Everyone has been great about spreading the word about 29 Days Until 29. Over the past few days I have received some of the most amazing, heartfelt emails that I’ve ever read and had some amazing conversations. A few have been from/with good friends of mine, others have been from people that I’ve never met before, but they all illustrate the fact that we can replace the negative connections that we all share because of cancer with positive ones.
It is in that spirit that I’m asking all of you to become an even bigger part of the team and invite you to write ‘Cancer Connection’ stories for the blog. If you have a story to share, whether it be a memory of a loved one, a local charity or event that you support, your own survival story, or the survival story of someone you know, I invite you to share it with the world. I’ve made a category called ‘Cancer Connection’ and all posts will be tagged with that category, that way we can have all the stories in 1 place.
Since these stories can be very personal and, oftentimes, difficult to talk about, if you want to maintain your anonymity we can make that happen as well.
Together we can continue to raise awareness, make positive connections, and make a difference! I can’t wait to hear from you!