If yesterday is any indication of what the next 30 days hold in store for me, our team, and 29 Days Until 29, I can’t wait to get started! Yes, UVA won, yes, the team looked pretty good (all things considered), but more importantly, I was amazed at how well received 29 Days Until 29 was by all sorts of random people!
I wouldn’t have decided to do this if I didn’t think I would be able to get people to talk to me and to share their cancer connection with me, but I never imagined just how into it people would be!
I’ve got to start by giving some credit to my @abolishcancer shirt, as it was a clear conversation starter, and, of course, the amazing business cards helped, but what really wowed me was people’s willingness to share without my even having to ask. They’d ask what I was doing, I’d tell them, and they would just start sharing their cancer connection. I heard some great ones that I’ll be sharing over the coming days, but tonight I want to write about my itinerary.
Over the past week or 2 I’ve gotten a lot of questions about my schedule over the next month. How did I pick the cities that I’m going to? Why am I going where I’m going when I’m going? Why am I not going to a certain city? What am I going to do while in certain cities? All great questions, so here are the answers!
How did I pick the cities that I’m going to? JetBlue flies to over 60 different destinations, not only in the USA, but thru-out the Caribbean, Central, and South America. With the exception of San Juan (which is scheduled for the end of the trip), I’m staying in the USA. I did this because it’s going to be a lot easier to get back and forth, easier to find places to stay, not cost as much, and I won’t have to worry about language barriers, etc.
As far as why I’m going where I’m going when I’m going (say that 5 times fast…); that’s a little trickier. I find that it’s a lot easier to get people to talk to you’re at events where it’s typical to talk to strangers. That’s why I’ll be going to a lot of sporting events, musical events, and big public gatherings. I looked at the calendar, said I wanted to be in certain cities on certain days, and then booked around those dates. After that it was a matter of going places that I’ve never been. While I do know a few people in some of the cities I’m visiting, I didn’t want to only go places where I knew people. If I did that I’d be more likely to not get out and talk to as many people. I want to push and challenge myself on this trip, and by having to meet new people I’m ensuring that I will achieve that goal!
Why am I not going to certain cities? Because I couldn’t figure out how to fit them into the schedule. If you see a way for me to do so, or if I need to come to your city for a specific reason, PLEASE let me know! The beauty of the AYCJ pass is that I can rearrange things as needed. For example, tomorrow I’m going to be changing part of the trip so that I can get to Salt Lake city for an afternoon and go to lunch with some new friends that I’ve met on this journey (and I haven’t even left yet!).
And the last question: what am I going to do in the cities that I visit? The short answer is I don’t know! Some of the destinations already have set plans courtesy of friends, or because of the nature of the events, etc., others I have NO clue and NEED YOUR HELP! If you see a city that you’re familiar with please let me know where I should go, what I should do, where I can stay, etc…
OK, now on to today’s poll:

Tomorrow’s post will feature the video that a lot of people have been asking for: what am I taking with me and how will I fit it all into 1 carry on?
In the meantime, enjoy a few of the picture from last night’s UVA game!
I answered today’s poll… Sorry Drew! But with that many flights, I’m playing the safe odds that you miss at least one!! Be sure to call or text me, “You told me so” when you do! Love ya!
Have a great trip Drew. Don’t know if we will be in Chicago when you pass through but call us at XXX XXX XXX to see. Barbara was diagnosed with CLL about 4 years ago but so far it has remained sub-clinical. We monitor it closely as you might expect. We will be sending a contribution from our office in Lake Forest to the ACS in your mother’s memory.(I knew your folks when I worked in D.C. in 83-84) Also supporting a niece’s walk for breast cancer. My best to your Dad. I can’t believe so much time has passed!
Who’s that handsome devil in the orange shirt, that’s what I want to know?
Drew – Following you around Saturday was ridiculous, and awesome. You are in full go mode. When you can just barge up to a half dozen tailgates full of strangers and walk away with a half dozen groups of Drew Lawrence fans in the span of two hours, you’re ready for 29/29.