In A Flash!

I’ve pretty much given up on the possibility of getting any sleep before Eccles picks me up in a little over 3 hours and my 29 Days Until 29 adventure begins.  I’m scrambling to take care of the last minute details that I knew I was going to forget.  Little things like figuring out who’s going to check my mail…

The last thing that I want to have happen is my lights turned off when I get home!  I spent a large part of today running around and some cool things happened as a result!  The cool word art that you see is courtesy of my friend Sara Gould from In A Flash Laser.  She used her laser engraver to make a 29 Days Until 29 water bottle!

She completely blew me away with it and am already drinking out of it!  She showed me her whole set up and she can engrave ANYTHING!  I saw iPads, paper, stone, wood, thin metal business cards, you name it, with all kinds of engravings!  Everything from a signature to some serious artwork!

The crazy part?  Today was the 1st time that Sara and I had ever met face-to-face, but we’ve had numerous conversation on Twitter over the past year.  Once again it just goes to show you how powerful social media is in today’s world!  If you need any engraving done you need to get in touch with her — I’m already planning my holiday gifts!

If you want to have 1 of the official 29 Days Until 29 water bottles you can send Sara an email by clicking HERE!

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2 Responses to In A Flash!

  1. Jennifer Eccles says:

    you need to take a nap…. love momma eccles

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